• Lock web browsing

    Choose from over 30 categories: pornography, phishing, malware, social networking,…

    Define your own whitelist and blacklist

    Define hours of use and maximum daily use

    Lock web browsing
  • Lock web browsing

    Choose from over 30 categories: pornography, phishing, malware, social networking,

    Define your own whitelist and blacklist

    Define hours of use and maximum daily use

    Lock web browsing
  • Lock web browsing

    Choose from over 30 categories: pornography, phishing, malware, social networking,…

    Define your own whitelist and blacklist

    Define hours of use and maximum daily use

    Lock web browsing
  • Lock P2P applications

    Select from 4 of the most used protocols in P2P applications: BitTorrent, eDonkey, Gnutella and Fasttrack

    Lock P2P applications
  • Lock messaging applications

    Select from 4 of the most used protocols in messenger applications: IRC, Jabber, MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger

    Define a schedule for the use of messaging applications

    Lock messaging applications
  • Lock messaging applications

    Select from 4 of the most used protocols in messenger applications: IRC, Jabber, MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger.

    Define a schedule for the use of messaging applications

    Lock messaging applications
  • Lock applications and ports

    Select the applications that should not connect to Internet

    Enter the ports that can connect the applications

    Lock applications and ports
  • Lock applications and ports

    Select the applications that should not connect to Internet

    Enter the ports that can connect the applications

    Lock applications and ports

After almost 9 years of operation we have decided to end the maintenance of Wefisy. Many thanks to those who have supported the project

What is wefisy?

  • Wefisy, short for Web Filtering System, is a web filtering system for parental control
  • Works on Windows XP, Vista,7,8,8.1 and 10
    Does not work with some Modern UI applications, such as Microsoft Edge. We work to solve the problem.
  • Works on both 32 and 64 bits

Wefisy is a free Windows program that lets your children browse the Internet safely

What can it do?

  • Block web sites by selecting from over of 30 categories: pornography (including XXX domains), phishing, malware, social networking, …
  • Define your own white list and black list
  • Set a schedule
  • Block P2P applications
  • Block messaging applications
  • Block applications and ports

With Wefisy, you can prevent your children’s from accessing inappropriate sites on the Internet, in a simple and free way.